I would like to announce a name change for Capital City Dental & Compliance to Capital City Complete. This is a tale of two stories as some of our Capital City team members have left to form a new start-up company called Novallier. We wish our former teammates at Novallier, headed by Carl Wells, all the best as they pursue their new endeavor to improve dental radiation safety programs using their new FoxPath™ software all across the United States and beyond. Check out the website at www.novallier.com.
The second story is about Capital City’s new focus on dental equipment sales and service. We are narrowing our focus to provide the best dental equipment service and support possible to our growing customer base in the great state of Ohio. Our new name, Capital City Complete, reflects this commitment to all of you. Our phone numbers, website, physical address and our complete commitment to you, remain the same. It will take some time to get the branding and messaging switched over and I ask for your patience during this process. In the meantime, it is OK to send correspondence, payments, etc. using either “Capital City Dental & Compliance” or “Capital City Complete.”
Thank you for your business and future support!